

As Christians we are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The mission of adult programming at St. Timothy UMC is “growing disciples through adult Christian Education”, and we believe life-long learning helps us to become better disciples of Jesus Christ. St. Timothy is committed to helping adults grow in their journeys of faith. A variety of ministries are offered to assist each person in their discipleship:

• Disciple Groups
Disciple Bible Study, Christian Believer, Jesus in the Gospels

• Bible Studies

A variety of studies are offered in the Fall and Spring semesters.

• Small Groups
Classes for all ages are offered at 9:45 and 11:00.

• Special events
Guest speakers, including authors and theologians, are scheduled periodically throughout the year.

• Volunteer opportunities
A complete list of volunteer opportunities in Adult Education, Evangelism, Fellowship/Hospitality, Worship, Handyman Jobs, Congregational Care, and Office/Clerical will give you an idea of service opportunities in theses areas here at the church.

• United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women at St. Timothy is comprised of several groups (known as circles) that meet on a monthly basis. The purpose of UMW is to be a community of women who know and experience freedom as whole people through Jesus Christ; who develop creative, supportive fellowship; and who expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. You may contact the church office at 626-3307 for more information about upcoming circle meetings.

• The Lighthouse
These sessions focus upon the bold application of the Word to our lives with teaching, life application, verse-by-verse discussion, Q & A. Led by Rev. Jimmy Owens. Sessions are open each week, walk-ins are welcomed!

• ALERT (Actively Living and Enjoying Retirement Time)
The ALERT group at St. Timothy meets regularly for meals and sponsors occasional guest speakers and day trips. Call the church office at (985) 626-3307 for more information.

• Men’s Bible Study
Rev. Mitchell leads a men’s Bible study and discussion group Wednesday mornings at 7am in the Administration kitchen. Rev. Wetzel leads a study Friday mornings at 6:30am, in the conference room. All men are welcome. Contact Rev. Mitchell at and Rev. Wetzel at Both can be reached at (985) 626-3307 for more information.