BigStuf | June 20-24 | Registration now open!
BigStuf is a week-long camp open to 7th-12th graders that is full of worship, student-specific teaching, recreational competitions, and time with friends on the beach. Big Stuf is held at the Boardwalk Beach Resort, Panama City Beach, Florida. The cost is $505. Register on-line!
Email Jen for any question at jburke@sttimothyns.org.
Sunday Mornings | 9:45am | Junior & Senior High
High school and junior high students are invited to come be part of a service geared for teenagers. Our staff understands students are at various places along their spiritual journey. With messages that are relevant and engaging, along with music that is heartfelt and inspiring, The Highway helps “prepare the way” for students today by offering a space that is not only inviting, but also challenging, as we encourage students to move deeper into an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.
Would you like to know what is going on from week to week–mission opportunities, updates, reminders? Ask to be put on our parent email!
Sundays 3-4:30pm | Grades 7th-12th/Guys & Girls
We will all gather together at the Highway for a large group game, then a time of recapping the Sunday morning message, followed by some breakout small group time. All are welcome to come and invite a friend!
BIBLE PROJECT: Overview Old & New Testament
Mondays | 6:30-8pm
We are doing the overview of the entire Bible this year to give students an understanding of how the story of God all fits together. The purpose of this gathering is to create a space for students to ask questions about their faith and learn to connect with God and community through the study of scripture. We will be using the Bible Project videos (www.bibleproject.com) and scripture readings.
Led by Rev. Cameron Wetzel & Jennifer Burke
Wednesdays | 5:30PM
Student vocalists and musicians meet every week to offer their talents in worship. Each Wednesday they come together to practice for Sunday morning worship while building community along the way. The tech crew is also an essential part of the team, running lyrics, lights, and sound to create an intimate and engaging experience! Let us know if you play an instrument, sing, or would like to learn to run tech!
Each year, we need you to fill out a new parental consent form for your student. You can download one to fill out for 2020 by clicking HERE.
Safe Sanctuaries – Key Reference 2024
Students and ministry are our top priority. These key procedures are needed to maintain safe and healthy boundaries:
Screening: Everyone serving in the children or youth area – volunteers and staff – are subject to a background check, interview, and references in order to interact with them, as well as Safe Sanctuary training with an annual review.
The Rule of Groups: Those serving with children or youth are not to be in alone in private with them.
Examples of appropriate gatherings, not limited to: (group settings, public spaces, two adults with a student)
Transportation -Students are to be driven with parent/guardian permission and two adults in the vehicle. Preferably with more than one student.
Counseling – In instances necessitating a one-on-one basis:
- Written approval of parent or guardian
- Written notice to other youth pastors or staff
- Presence in building of other adults
- During operational hours where other adults are in proximity
- Preferred Location: Youth office or Highway Breakout rooms
Electronic Communications –
▪ No forms of anonymous or anonymizing communications are to be used, to including Snapchat.
▪ Text or other electronic communications by STNS Employees with children or youth will abide by rule of groups.
▪ Text or other electronic communications by Volunteers with children and youth will also follow the rule of group.
We encourage you to report any perceived violation of these safeguards to the Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor or Church Board.